Friday, August 26, 2011

Thomas' 2nd Birthday

We decorated the screened in porch with balloons and streamers and tied a plastic bug at the ends of balloons to give away to the kids as party favors. They loved picking out one to take home.

I don't think Thomas realized the party was all about him till he blew out the candle and everyone clapped.

Friday, July 22, 2011

The New House

Yippee! What an upgrade this house is. The story of this house goes like this. We were looking for a 3 bed 2 bath house in Cookeville, where Chris will start his new job. The house we found and liked turned out to be one of those, "I have a bad feeling about this " kind of thing. Thankfully we did not get that 3 bed 2 bath house cause God had this 4 bed, 5 bath, 3 kitchen, 3 car garage with a pool all ready for us.

We are renting from a friend who was having trouble selling in this market. We had only been inside once or twice before and only in the front part of the house. We really did not know what the house was like and there were no pictures of it at all. When we pulled up in the Uhaul it was like checking out a vacation house. We could not believe how awesome it was. Plus it was partially furnished. Big plus because I certainly did not have enough furniture to put in this large a house. The whole thing has been such a blessing strait from God.

Then here is the crazy part. Several months earlier, before Chris even got a job in Cookeville, I had been praying about where we were going to move too. That night I dreamt we were living in Bob Mumfords house. In the morning I told Chris how funny it would be if we ended up on Bob's street (he was still living in the house at the time). Well God was more literal than I thought. S

Loving a Daddy hug

Congratulations Chris

Chris I am so proud of you. Four years of residency and you are finally done! It was so much fun to go to his graduation dinner and have fellows he has worked with come up to me to say how much they enjoyed working with him and how they could tell he genuinely cared for his patients. I could not have been more proud.

Painting outdoors

It was just easyer to start off with him naked.